It's been a whole week since I blogged last, I'm not Catholic but that feels like what you say when you go into confession.. Anyways, in my last post I wrote about a tutorial that I couldn't remember. Well, lo and behold I found it. And it was a total accident! Ha! It was at Ginger Cake. There is some cute stuff over there. I'm a little in love with the Owl pillows. I wanted to make an owl pillow earlier in the year so I kind of scoped out the web, and drew up my own. I didn't even find the one over at Ginger Cake, but my little drawing looks similar, so I just want to put it out there that when I make one I am not ripping off her design. And I'm only making it for myself and not to sell or sell a pattern so I don't see it as an issue. But it bring up something. We as crafters sometimes (ok really, a lot of the time) think that when we see something we like, either handmade or mass made, that we can make it. See a cute shirt, I can make that. Cute jammies or something like that. I mean I see all these cute bags and things on blogs and I think "Oh, I could make something like that" but I almost feel like I'm ripping off someone else's idea.. Even though I'm really not. How do you guys feel about that?
I love all the free patterns that are out there, and think it's really great that people make all of that stuff available to anyone willing to look for it, and I would never make anything with out linking to it or saying where it came from...
It is just one of those things that I think about.
In other crafty news with out pictures..yet.. I have my coin quilt top all done. I have to admit that it turned out better than I thought and I'm a little in love with it. I am going to be blogging about it but I am saving it for a guest post over at SewHappyGeek. Yep, you read right. Jenna is having surgery next week and she put out a call for guest bloggers, and I volunteered myself... I'm hoping to get it all taken care of by this weekend (finger crossed). The twist of it is that I won the jelly roll, that I used for the quilt, from Jenna. So I want it to be really great, I don't want to send her some crap to put up on her blog. I had one other thing that I thought I might send to Jenna, but I'm not totally happy with it so I'm going to just post about it here. It will be a semi tutorial more of a general how to rather than a full blown tutorial. It's for making t shirt yarn and then crocheting a rug.
"Do something vivid, then stop for a moment and think about it" William Shatner
He's on Nightline right now, and he was on a horse and was talking about something. I wasn't paying attention except for that line but I like it. Do something great, and then stop and think about it, appreciate it, enjoy it! That's my advice for the day (or in this case, night).
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