Hello my lovelies! Today I am guest posting over at
SewHappyGeek. Over there you will be able to see my coin quilt that I just finished. I think it's kind of cool because I used the jelly roll that I won from Jenna! You can get most of the details about it over there. So go check me out :) I'm also linking this up to
Crazy Mom Quilts Finish it up Friday! I'll probably do a longer more involved post about this quilt this weekend or next week!
The front!
The pieced back!
As a side note I tried the "add caption" thing in blogger and it totally hosed up my formatting.. Not going to use that again!
I really like the back -- how interesting! :)
Fabulous quilt! :o)
I love it! What a great design to use for the fun fabrics. I'm going now to check you out at SewHappyGeek.
Awesome job on the quilt!
Gray looks so nice with all those bright colors.
Very pretty! Love the color combo. ;o)
Nice quilt! Love the background you chose.
Looks great and I love the pieced back!
it looks so great! i love coin quilts!!! and the gray background is such a nice compliment to all those bright fun fabrics!
thanks for linking up to finish it up Friday!
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