Thursday, June 7, 2007


I can't think of a snappy Thursday title so I guess that'll do. So anyone ever play "Ladderball"? Its pretty fun, my Mom bought it and we finally put it together and played it a couple of times, more just practice then really playing against each other. Now, when we play it at a get together or something we'll be really good and win a lot! So, I had a crazy hoard of rabbits experience last night.. We built our veggie garden in the back, where it is all fenced in from when we used to have dogs, I thought that this would be a sure way to keep the rabbits from eating everything.. Well, I was wrong, they are so sneaky and they went under then fence in a spot where the fence doesn't touch the ground all the way. I figured this out because I went around the side of the garage to stare my garden into growing (even though it's been less than a week since I planted it, and its been crappy out) and what do I see??? A huge crow and little bunny foo foo! I made some noise and scared it but it just went into some tall grass behind the lillies..SO I went around, I was mad! Then it was on the outside of the fence.. so I went back around and it went in through the gap, then I went back around and it was like I was seeing things, because there were rabbits ALL over, like they have ninja powers or something! So I chased them all into the corner of the fence, sort of, they could have easily gotten past me! So one squeeeezed and shook and wiggled its way through the holes in the fence which are a rectangle maybe 3x4 inches. I thought it was going to get stuck (and I was glad, hahah) but then the other ones followed suit and then they were all out and running in different directions and I tried telling them to go into the road- but they didn't listen. Now, don't go thinking I'm a rabbit hater, I have love for the bunnies, but not if they are going to eat my garden... One was waiting for me today when I went to leave for work, as if to say "I WILL eat your garden, I can dig you know. Stupid human!" I chased it away... I secretly wanted them to all die, but then I would feel horrible, because I really do like them. We fixed the gap in the fence and then Mom sprayed some stuff that stinks around to keep them away (hopefully). Well, that's all I have for today, tomorrow is friday and I don't have to work this weekend and I'm cashing in some of my change and putting it towards a new bike, so maybe I'll find one this weekend, but I'm a picky shopper so it might take a while. I'll try and think of something snappy to say tomorrow!


Heather said...

And you'd have more money for your new bike if your sister would ever pay you for babysitting!
Would you like Ludwig to come over and guard the garden?? He is good at keeping bunnies away!

Miranda said...

Is it wrong to comment on your own blog? I'm going to go with "no" its not, because I'm going to do it. Hey, I had $111.96 in the bag that I took to the bank! I'll be ok if you don't pay me right away.

Heather said...

No, I don't think it's wrong to comment on your own blog. You had that much money in change?! I'd better take our jar to the bank! Maybe we can put O through college!

Miranda said...

Well, I started a jar for him too.